
Showing posts from February, 2011

Foodie Friday

So last two days I haven't been recording everything... so now I gotta get back on the books Weight the last two days: just shy of 160lbs Today's foods: Homemade granola with soy milk Noodles with chicken Yogurt Jelly Beans about 30 Handful of potato chips Lemonade Shortbread cookie Thin mint candies More than a handful of chips Gum Prediction for the evening: Cherry Coke Pizza

Monday Monday

Weight at around 9:45 ish: 158lbs Blueberry bagel with cheddar cheese Tangerine shortbread cookie costco muffin 2 tomatoes Large handful of sugar snap peas 25 Jelly beans (I felt great till I ate these... darn it) Beef Jerky Chicken Noodle Salad Cranberry Juice Thin Mint Candies Icecream Popcorn! Tuesday: Pasta salad 2 Doughnuts Yogurt potato chips tomato 15 jelly beans Way too much starbucks ice cream Jack in a Box- Turkey Sandwich, Curly Fries Tomato

Into the weekend

Weekend! Saturday V8 Fusion Chicken bagel (yay chick fila!) Jelly Beans (around 30) Pizza Choco toffee mac nuts BLT Limeaid Icecream mix from sonic Sunday No... I skipped tracking today, will begin again tomorrow. Taking my weight first thing in the morning.

Friday Feedings

Yogurt with maple syrup Trio bar Cheerwine sherbert Cheese and tomato sandwich 2 Mac-nut shortbread cookies blackberries Large piece of trout Tomato gum Animal Cookies yogurt Pasta with tomato sauce and chicken Coffee Ice cream I forgot to check my weight today, and I'm skipping calorie counts. I'll check my weight again tomorrow... probably early as during the weekend I'm usually doing stuff at 5pm.

Food Stuffs

1 Yogurt- 170 Calories Some Cheddar Cheese The end of the Potato Chips- 160 Calories Thin Mint Candy- 80 Calories 40 Jelly Beans- 160 Calories Sandwich of French bread, chicken breast, tomato, and cucumber Applesauce 2 Shortbread Macadamia cookies Piece of gum (sugarless) Handful of blackberries Apple with peanut butter about 20 sugar snap peas Tomato Hard candy Flavored Almonds- 150 Calories Chicken Breast, and collards with bacon Lemonade- 150 Calories Weight at 5:15 pm : 158.7lbs ack... I'll attribute this to changing the time I'm weighing in, more water, and more clothes (though the wii accounts for clothes) I actually did some of the activities today too. Wii yoga seems like a good plan in addition to walks.

Renewing the Blog

So I mentioned that I was considering keeping track of what I eat, because I'm (normally) thin (though not skinny) but I don't necessarily keep track of what I eat, nor do I exercise like I should. So because I'd like to change my habits, and I think that tracking my eating helps, I'm going to change the direction of the blog. Well... I'm going to give this blog a direction, which it didn't really have before. Today I have eaten: 1 Trio Bar - 230 Calories 1 Yogurt - 170 Calories 1 V8 Fusion (since pregnancy I don't like normal V8 as much) - 150 Calories 4 Graham crackers (the whole rectangle) A handful of blackberries Medium piece of trout 1/2 cup cauliflower soup 1 tangerine 2 servings Sour Cream and Onion Chips - 320 Calories 3 Thin Mint Candies -80 Calories 1/3 pack of animal cookies -240 Calories 10 ish Hello Kitty Mango Marsh-mellows - 100 Calories (those little things are addictive, I was just going to try one, oops) Some Meatballs from Ikea (most of a...