Blog off.

Okie, so a friend challenged me to a blog off. I've been trying to write more frequently and this gives me further excuse to do so.

So for today I couldn't remember something that I wanted to do online, so I went to, and found this It was pretty interesting. A lot on Firefly of course. I had herd a lot about Firefly in college. Many people recommended it to me because I speak Mandarin (or at least I speak some Mandarin.) Anyway, I finally saw it, and although I was not hooked at first, after about 4 episodes I was really looking forward to the next. Serenity is the only movie I have ever seen in the movie theater twice. I was never interested in either Buffy or any of Joss Whedon's other work (other than Toy Story,) but this particular series was really good. I think to some extent it tapped into when I was a child and watched Star Trek TNG, or Sliders. But it was also more adult than both of those shows. There was a depth in each of the characters he created, and the viewer got much more interested in the back-story.
However I think the only way they can continue the story, and be as successful at it is to go back and make a season two, that would have occurred before the movie, or to use a lot of flashbacks like in "Out of Gas".


Clinton said…
Out of Gas was definitely my favorite. It fit perfectly with what Firefly was all about... unappreciated junk in space with a lot of grit and character.

As a side note, I am honored that you chose to see the movie with me for your First Second-Time Experience! :)

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